On February 15 we hosted a discussion of where and how satellite imagery and synthetic aperture are helping us see water risk, plus how satellites are helping connect field sensors to the cloud. Link to the recording can be found below.

The Democratization of Satellite-sourced Data & Insights Satellites have been helpful to industry and society for decades; however, the resolution of geospatial sensing has improved significantly in recent years, and oupled with breakthroughs in AI, one of the best ways we can understand water quantity and quality risks is via satellite-sourced data and insights. What used to be expensive is now rapidly becoming democratized - enabling farmers, conservation groups, small town utilities, and the rest of us to understand water risks as well as government and consultancies.
Up to space, then down to the cloud Of equal importance have been the improvements in using low-orbit satellites to get field sensors up to the cloud. While LoRaWan has tried to bring value to remote sensing, the promise of LoRaWan remains elusive. LTE (cell tower) remains the go-to way to get data up to the cloud, but LTE still faces widespread barriers to adoption. Could low-orbit satellites more efficiently help industry and society get water data from remote locations up to the cloud? Moderator Kevin Sofen, Dir. of Innovation, WS Darley Featured Participants Nadav Nachshon, CEO, Gorilllalink Marshall Moutenot, CEO, Upstream Tech Kolbeinn Ísak Hilmarsson, CEO, Svarmi Dr. Marnix Laanen, Founder, Water Insight BV