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The WaterRisk CAT100

Mazarine Admin

Updated: Mar 27, 2024

100 early-stage and lower middle-market companies leveraging technology innovations that enable industry & society to adapt to water-risk in our new climate reality

What is CAT?

Climate Adaptation Technology, or "CAT" refers to hardware and software innovations that support the efforts of industry & society to prepare for, adjust to, and essentially deal-with risks associated with our new climate reality. Investments in decarb/netzero necessarily will continue, but investors also need to back companies with technologies that help us adapt to the effects of global warming. This is the other 'side' of ClimateTech.

ABOVE: The left two verticals are intuitive for most us..... but compromised water quality is the proverbial dark horse of water risk in our new climate reality. Flooding and drought grab headlines, but impaired lakes, rivers, and coastal marine ecosystems represent massive public health & safety risks for communities that rely on them for drinking water and commerce.

So, this is the water industry?

No. This is the $150B industry of technology solutions that help industry & society manage some aspect of climate-change-induced water risk, spanning quantity and quality. Customer segments include agriculture, aquaculture, finance, insurance, real estate (FIRE), mineral processing, manufacturing, transportation, ports & harbors, power utilities, and of course water/wastewater utilities. This is water risk, not the 'water industry' or the 'water space'.

What is the Water Risk CAT 100?

A curated list of companies that Mazarine has determined are representative of early, growth and lower-middle market companies with technology innovations that will help industry and society deal with water-related-risks in our new climate reality. 

  • Mazarine created The WaterRisk CAT100 in order to generate interest in this realm amongst our syndicate of investors.

  • The companies on the list may still refer to themselves as “ag-tech”, “prop-tech”, or “water-tech”, but we view them all as "Water Risk CATs"

  • This list is not exhaustive. New companies crop up, and companies are acquired.  The WaterRisk CAT100 is dynamic and will be updated quarterly and shared with Mazarine's investor syndicate.

We are VC, so we look at the world through the lens of deals. There are 2 broad buckets of deals within the water risk vertical of CAT.

Companies with technology innovations that help their customers SEE and UNDERSTAND water risk (69 companies) 11 categories offering various sensing, testing, monitoring, digital, and data solutions to support efforts to see and understand climate-change-induced water-related risks

  • Flood Modeling

  • Watershed Modeling & Reporting

  • General Water Risk Modeling & Reporting

  • Built Environment Water Use Monitoring

  • In-Situ Remote Sensing Tools

  • Precipitation Intelligence

  • Buoy Solutions

  • Insurance, Investment & Economics  

  • Process Optimization

  • Water quality testing & monitoring

  • Irrigation Optimization Tools

Companies with technology innovations that help their customer ADDRESS the identified water risk (31 companies)

8 categories offering various hardware, consumables, materials, or earthworks solutions to support efforts to address and physically manage the identified water-related risk.

  • Irrigation Efficiency Solutions 

  • Nature-based Remediation Solutions

  • Flood Control

  • Water Reuse & Recycling

  • Controlling Harmful Algal Blooms

  • Generating Water Supply 

  • Non-Ag Irrigation

  • Built Environment Water Conservation

Who is not included in the WaterRisk CAT100?

  1. Consulting companies who generate reports, studies, frameworks, metrics, and guidelines. (They would benefit from the success of CAT 100 companies)

  2. Climate Adaptation Finance (They would benefit from the success of CAT 100 companies)

  3. NGO's and Non-profits who engage in lobbying, advocacy, and adaptation 'thought leadership' (They would benefit from the success of CAT 100 companies)

Who is included?

Companies with technology innovations that ultimately bring efficiencies to the way industry and society manage water risk in our new climate reality. The public sector, consultants who generate adaptation studies & resiliency reports, and advocacy groups play an important role. So does technology.

This emerged out of a growing community of Angel, VC, and PE investors passionate about leveraging technology innovations to manage water risk in our new climate reality, and recognize that this goes way beyond the so-called 'water industry'.

Mazarine welcomes the opportunity to share the WaterRisk CAT 100 with investors who share our thesis and strategy around the water risk vertical within Climate Adaptation Technology.

Contact us here to discuss syndication with Mazarine.

NOTE: We recognize that heat, fire, and wind risks destroy lives and livelihoods, but with our backgrounds in water, Mazarine has chosen to only focus on the water risk vertical in CAT.


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