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What do we mean by Climate Adaptation Technologies (CAT), and why is it a focus for Mazarine Ventures?

Mazarine Admin

Changes in average temperatures, minimum and maximum temperatures, and weather patterns are impacting/causing stress on individuals, society, and industry. Inherently, as temperature is the engine that drives the hydrological cycle, water availability (too much / too little) and water quality (is the water suited for its intended purpose) is directly impacted by climate change. Decarbonization/carbon capture will allow us to limit how much earth’s average temperature increases, but we still need to adjust both as individuals and as a society to the challenges presented by changes in water quantity, quality and temperature.

CAT refers to technological innovations that draw on research in science, engineering and computer and information technology that provide practical solutions that help industry & society manage climate-change-induced risks, spanning heat, fire, water, and wind. Mazarine only focuses on the water risk vertical.

Example 1: With temperatures increasing we are seeing invasive species spreading northward in the US. (LINK) For example water hyacinths are spreading northward. Water-hyacinth blocks waterways and limits boat traffic, recreation, flood control and wildlife use. It also shades out native submersed plant species and can uproot native emergent species that are important to wildlife.

Technology solution: Advances in satellite imaging, combined with machine learning allows for the rapid detection and monitoring of the spread of water hyacinths. Biotech solutions such as eDNA can provide detailed information on the presence and life cycle stage for the plants, and other biotech solutions such as targeted mycotoxins can provide a means for control, without impacting other organisms.


Example 2: Change in rainfall is forcing some communities to drill deeper wells. However, in doing so the water may be drawn from an aquifer with higher levels of natural minerals, including materials harmful to human health, such as arsenic. Other communities may be forced to use new water sources that may contain contaminants such as PFAS or with a different water chemistry that can in turn create issues (e.g. lead to high levels of lead in the water).

Technology solution: Advances in life sciences, machine learning and biotech have been leveraged to develop field test kits that can reliably and quickly detect the presence of harmful materials. Innovations in material science and engineering are providing solutions that enable the removal of these materials and make the water safe for human consumption.


Example 3: Water shortages are increasing the cost of water and increasing the use of desalination. As water costs increase, consumers have a need to better monitor and control their water usage, and a key cost driver for desalination is energy usage, which is turn is driven by the unavoidable cost of removing the salt (thermodynamics of separating salt from water) and the cost of moving the water (friction).

Technology solutions: Advances in edge computing and machine learning is enabling individuals and businesses to not only monitor overall water consumption, but also to segregate the consumption into where the water is being used, and in this way identify leaks, equipment problems and usage abnormalities. Advances in material science and engineering is improving the energy efficiency of the filtration elements used in desalination.

For questions about the Water-risk vertical in CAT, please contact Mazarine here


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